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David has played music in different genres, band, and contexts. David's music today has it's base foremost in soul, pop, and singer-songwriter. Singing is David's foremost instrument, even though he first started singing at the age of 22. And even if David is a multiple instrumentalist and plays electric guitar, guitar, piano, trumpet, bass guitar, and song, his main focus is songwriting. A collection of some of his songs are on the first album - "You Lead Me All the Way" (2016)

"I mean, your singing is really fantastic!
The same goes for when you play the guitar!
This feels new and fresh in a whole lot of ways. 
There's no doubt about it - God has given you a gift!
I'm just wishing you make as many songs as are given you,
and that you record and release as many as you possibly can."

– Frank Ådahl